Friday, September 28, 2012

Lunch at Louie

If you live in the LA area, i highly recommend this restaurant. Bottega Louie. Go there. Ask quick as you can. Here's some enticement. Also try their French macarons. To die for (earl grey flavor).

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this s**t is bananas, B-A-NA-NAS

i love the smell of bananas. it's weird, i know. so when i was perusing the interwebs and saw this gem of a product, i HAD to have it. i am currently trying not to buy lotions or other skin care items because i have so so so much that i am trying to use up, but i caved and ordered this asap.

it looks and smells just like pureed bananas, and i am super excited to use it. however, it's getting put away until i use up my current hand cream. i had to share this though because i am just THAT excited about this product.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

obsessive tendencies #3: creamyyyyy

i have found a new affinity for cream shadows. i'm rather obsessed with the ones that i own (and i'm not saying you should run out and buy these, but you should at least try them).

below are photos of the ones i own and some swatches.

L-R (top): Chanel Illusion D'Ombre Mirifique, Maybelline Barely Beige, MAC Paintpot Rubenesque
L-R (bottom): MAC Paintpot Painterly, Maybelline Bad to the Bronze, Maybelline Tough as Taupe

L-R: MAC Paintpot PainterlyMaybelline Bad to the Bronze, Maybelline Tough as TaupeMAC Paintpot RubenesqueMaybelline Barely BeigeChanel Illusion D'Ombre Mirifique

all the shadows listed above are of amazing quality. the chanel is obviously ridiculously expensive, however the quality and pigmentation for a black is extreme (and in my opinion, worth the pricetag).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

wasted efforts

when i was in middle school, for some odd reason, i was horrified by the pores on my face. i bought the Clinique pore refining solution correction serum, what a name. i remember using all the time and liking it. so when my fear of large pores returned, i ran out to the Clinique counter and picked some up.

after using it once, i came to realize that i absolutely despise this product. the texture of the product is nice, however, i feel like it just sits on my skin and leaves a greasy/filmy-type residue on my face. i find that i never reach for it for that reason only. i've recently been trying to use it up, but every time i use it, i end up hating myself for it.

some people may love this product, and if that's the case....awesome. however, i find that it just did absolutely nothing for me (and i hate it).

for reference:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

finally can join the 2010s in style

over the past two years, i have officially surrendered to the iPhone. however, being quite a cheap ass, i opted for the 3gS rather than the 4S. after much grief and aggravation, i surrendered and shelled out too much moolah for the iPhone 5.

ahhhhh. the improvements in the technology from the 3gS is astonishing. (and its kinda prettyyy)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Just a few of my favorite things: Tucson edition.

Tibetan woman in painting brought from Tibet

Enjoy (as much as me, of course)!

obsessive tendencies #2: youtube made me do it

Dior Amber Diamond. One of the prettiest makeup items to ever come into my life. I have become obsessed with this highlighter and, even though it is more of a "going out" type product, I use it almost every day I put on makeup.

This is a favorite among the beauty community on YouTube, which is what convinced me to buy it. Well worth the price and the hype. If you could love inanimate objects, I would love my Voluspa candles, my stuffed animal version of Scooby-Doo and Dior Amber Diamond.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

battle of the hand salves

For the dry skin world, including myself, hand salves are my new biffle. In a Birchbox earlier this year, I received a sample of the J.R. Watkins hand and cuticle salve. I fell in love with it for my cuticles, especially. As a chronic nail bitter/picker, it made a huge difference at what I could bite/pick--making it difficult to bite/pick! (My mom was so happy!)

Many beauty gurus, however, rave about the naked honey salve that MAC released some time ago. While perusing, I saw that they still were selling it so I picked one up. The consistency of the MAC salve is much similar to petroleum jelly. It is really, really thick. Where the consistency of the J.R. Watkins hand salve is more oil based. I find that they both hydrate really well and I enjoy them both, however, I do prefer the J.R. Watkins salve over the MAC one. 

Since receiving the sample of the J.R. Watkins, I have tried every scent of hand salve they sell. I can honestly say that each one smells good, but the lavender scented one is my favorite.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

dupe shooo-be dupe

Getting ready this morning to film my YouTube show, My Weekly Bitch, I decided to wear my new YSL #13 L'orange lipstick. While perusing through all my lipsticks I happened upon a Revlon lipstick that looks exactly like the YSL one.

Its one of the Revlon moondrops lipsticks in the green packaging. Its shade hot coral #712. The consistency of the YSL lipstick is smoother, but that is the only difference I could notice.

So long story short, once again, I should:
A] look to see what I already own
B] not shop so much.

L- Revlon Hot Coral #712
R- YSL L'Orange #13

no self control #2: when regular therapy just isn't enough, there's always retail

Per usual, I went shopping again (this time without leaving the comforts of my couch. love the interwebs). While perusing the web to satisfy my current beauty product addiction, I stumbled upon the website. Anyways, it went downhill from there. Here's what I picked up.

Recently, I've been really into lip scrubs (obviously, I bought two within 10 days. stupid me). This one interested me because it came in bullet form. After using it a couple of times, I can officially say that I hate it. It has fallen apart rather quickly and does nothing.

Korres Lip Scrub
I love nars products, so I was really excited to find some on this site much cheaper and kinda liked being able to stick these in a palette without having to depot. This is the star sailor duo-shimmery brown and gold. Haven't used them yet, but very excited to do so!

Stila kajal liner are some of the best for smudging into smokey eye looks, and I've been wanting a nice navy eyeliner for a while. I tried a Neutrogena one that my contacts did not get along with, so I am hoping that this one does the trick.

Who ever said that self-medicating wasn't helpful? Because they lied.

Monday, September 17, 2012

hidden gems

After doing some spring cleaning, I found a bag of vintage perfume bottles from my grandmother and aunts' collections. Below are some photos of the bottles. I love having them out on display to remind me of my family.

I am sure they smell awful considering how old they are, but aren't they just so pretty. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Candle Crackhead.

I constantly burn candles in my apartment. That being said, there are two candles that have become staples. I always have at least two of each on hand. Currently, I have been loving this Voluspa Goji Tarocco Orange scented candle. (Could they make a more complicated name, geesh.)

After smelling it for most of the day, I have decided that I'm addicted. Dammit.

obsessive tendencies

Happy Sunday!!! So I am currently sitting on my couch watching an Indiana Jones marathon and obsessing over the following item, which I am currently wearing with gym clothes. NBD.

Over Labor day weekend, I bought this scarf at the outlet mall near Palm Springs. Long story short, it has become one of my prized possessions. I have been wearing all the time, only in my apartment of course because its still a sauna here in LA. SIDENOTE: Can it be fall already?!?!!? Nonetheless, this scarf will be seeing much wear in this fall/winter and I am very excited to be able to wear it outside!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

no self control: curse of living in a mall

After lusting after the YSL L'orange #13 lipstick, I ran to Sephora to pick it up. I was waiting til October for when traveling abroad to pick it up duty free, but my impatience got the best of me. I ended picking up a couple of other things as well. What can I say? Compulsive shopper.

Here it is. Ugh, so obsessed.

And when the compulsive behavior kicked in, I found the some gems in the skincare and nail polish sections. I decided to try to fresh sugar lip polish, because my Mint Julips from Lush went bad. I had seen it in some YouTube videos I watched and noticed the consistency of the product to be better. So that got purchased, duh.

 And the nail polishes I grabbed. Nothing to exciting. Needed more glitter in my life.

I am sure that was boring, but hey? We live in a materialist world, and I am a material girl.
Suck it.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lazy Sunday with NCIS

NCIS is definitely one of my favorite television shows of all time. I can and have watched every episode multiple times and never get tired of it. I am currently rewatching all the seasons on DVDs and today is season five's day in the spotlight.

Next up on the hit list is The Mentalist seasons 1-3.

For those of you who haven't seen this show(gasp), WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

First Post!! woo woo!

Not that anyone is reading this currently (or ever will for that matter), nonetheless I have wanted to enter the blogging world to have a place to share my thoughts and insights on the world around me. There are so many things I love and so many things I hate, and there is not a better place to extend these thoughts out into the world than a blog. 

Stay tuned for art, film, fashion, beauty and random posts of my life.

xo Damers