Monday, November 19, 2012

dry skin chronicles

i have horrendously dry skin, which sucks because i hate lotions. i hate the greasy reside feeling while you wait for it to sink in and waiting drives me crazy. my hands are always dry and gross because even when i do put on lotion, i wash the lotion off my hand right away. like i said, EW.

anyways, i have used lotion after lotion after lotion trying to find one that moisturizes my skin nicely. though i haven't been successful in finding a lotion that doesn't leave a greasy residue feeling. i have found an amazing lotion for extremely dry skin. this is a lotion that i don't have to reapply everyday and my skin still stays moisturized. not surprisingly, this lotion is made by a french company. (not only to i have an affinity for france and french almost everything) i find that the french have really got skincare down to a science. this lotion is by the brand avène, and it's a cold cream. now if you travel or live in france, i recommend buying it there if it's something you are interested in. in the USA, it's horrendously expensive--yet cheaper than kiehl's, perspective--and not easy to get a hold of (, is where i get mine). anyways, if you suffer from extremely dry skin and nothing else works TRY IT!!

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