Thursday, February 28, 2013

insanity: insane in the membrane, insane in the brain

so one of my best friends is always trying to push herself in the realm of physical fitness (she's doing a triathlon!! GET IT!!!), which has prompted me to do the same. i have struggled with weight loss over the years and had a personal trainer for a little over two years with little results. after having to wake up at the wee hours of the morning when babysitting my brothers to make sure they get to school on time, i ended up watching tons of infomercials. i got sucked it.

i did a bit of research before i decided on a program to do, and i settled on insanity. so far i have completed the fit test and the first workout on the schedule. OMG, i am so sore already and its been like a day. it's a really intense workout, and i'm actually feeling like all the effort is worth it. i am looking forward to continuing the program to the best of my abilities. i have quite the ridiculous life, thanks to my crazy family, and i never really know where i'm going to be from one month to the next. so therefore, my goal is to do the program as often as possible.

in all, my first impressions on the program is that it is great! i will be posting updates periodically as a way for people to gauge the effectiveness of the program. it is rather expensive, and i haven't looked but there's a good chance you can find a free version floating on the internet. so the price is my only negative.

work it, gurl, work it,
xo damers

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