i came across this book on a list of books that should be read in one's twenties posted on buzzfeed. i remember hearing about this book, as well, from a friend while perusing the city lights bookstore in san francisco. i finally caved and downloaded said book on my e-reader.
at first i really didn't care for the book, but after a while i got into the story. i did find that there was no real arc in the story as it just commented on events that were transpiring, however its main setting was paris, france. i am a HUGE sucker for anything parisian. i did enjoy the book, but it isn't something i would reread or stand out to recommend to others.
SHOCK HORROR! i know. what can i say? i am a weirdo, and this hemingway book didn't do it for me.
do you have a favorite hemingway book that i should read? did i miss the whole point of the sun also rises? let me know. sometimes things are lost on me. i can't help it.
xoxo damers
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